I hope you are feeling FABULOUS inside out!!
In Japan, my country of birth, April is considered a month of initiation.
As cherry blossoms beautify the landscape across the country, a new school year begins and graduates restart as freshmen. New beginnings abound and everyone feels refreshed and inspired.
However, human nature has shown us that our brains resists change in our lives. People still tend to hesitate when it comes to starting something new. The solution is to FOOL your brain by taking one “baby step” at a time.
We all have experienced this hesitation, including myself. It took me FOUR MONTHS to initiate a liver cleanse. Fully intending to begin right after Thanksgiving, I purchased a 21 day cleansing package in mid-November, 2022.
As I opened the box, the anticipation of the holiday season with its delicious foods made me realize how much I wanted to enjoy those delicious dishes and treats until the end of December! Why not? So I closed the box back up and put everything back onto the kitchen shelf.
In January, I continued to avoid even looking at the package and eased my conscience by at least just starting to make the shakes. But I knew that I was ignoring the supplements intentionally.
Occasionally, I would read the instructions and explore the recipe book, but it seemed too much for me to absorb at the time. Feeling overwhelmed, I tossed it out and realized that I was not emotionally ready for it.
At the end of February, the results from a food sensitivity test arrived. This prompted the elimination of certain foods from my diet which encouraged a BIG change in my health.
A few weeks later, I decided to finally read the cleanse instructions to better understand the process. By then, having already eliminated some carbohydrates, I was feeling ready to commit to a change in my diet for the next twenty-one days.
Similarly, you can make a change by taking baby steps before trying to handle something that feels overwhelming to you.
Seemingly huge changes may put your mind on the defense, making it difficult to follow through with your good intentions. By “fooling” that stubborn brain, you will be able to navigate it. Eventually, your brain will adapt to the change that you desire.
Now… What would you like to INITIATE as a baby step for your own health and well-being?
21 DAY CLEANSE DIET is for you if you…
- Feel very tired and have pains all over the body.
- Find it difficult to lose weight no matter how hard you work out.
- Depend on coffee to keep going all day.
- Are a sugar addict and crave eating chocolate in the afternoon.
- Consume alcohol more than 3 days per week.
- Notice hormonal imbalance; PMS, hot flashes, fertility challenge.
If you can relate to any of these and you’d like me to guide you through 21 DAY CLEANSE DIET, feel free to click the “I AM IN!” button below.
For the folks who want to sneak peak the program,
click the “FREE E-BOOK” to download the details.